I love the new update Alpha 5 and contributed to the cause -- I don't see the issues that others have been mentioning, like I don't see that the new cel-shading outline being too strong (maybe I play at high enough of a resolution that it isn't a factor), or camera being too sensitive. All have been great.
Some things I think would be great for the next/future updates:
1. Crouching Mechanic: Would be great to crouch to stay a bit more hidden in places, and even crawl. Seems like a thing that would be very typical of the scenario (don't ask me how I know...). Would make a great visual, seeing Rika bent over so you can more clearly see her pussy and asshole. Also --
2. Masturbation in different poses: When crouched, masturbation would be more of an 'M-pose' shot of Rika playing with herself. When crawling, would be more of a bent over masturbation pose. All would be great visuals.
2b. Masturbation with more than rubbing: Maybe more fingering inside (I know you've said no penetration...)
3. Squirt/Pee: Through another bar that fills up over time, how about some squirting during orgasm and also the mechanic to pee when she wants to (also leaving her vulnerable while peeing which could raise the excitement meter). Same mechanics as before, peeing standing up, crouching in M pose, or bent over.
I've been waiting for the next build (5.0) for a while now and I'm not too pleased with the changes.
First off, the hitbox is different in this release, which makes it impossible to use routes available in previous releases. I find this particularly egregious, as now two feet of empty space with a 2 inch drainpipe next to it is impassable. If it looks like you can walk through, you should be able to walk through it, especially in a stealth game where running away matters.
The way more important issue is the games tone and atmosphere. Before, the game had a spooky and creepy tone. This meshed perfectly with the concept of exhibitionism - reinforcing to the player a sense of "hey, don't get caught" and "what you're doing is wrong."
This update threw that out, and it's not at all for the better. The levels are so bright that you wouldn't think it's nighttime. Rika's new cell shading makes the game feel arcade-y. By removing the more realistic elements of the visuals, the player is further detached from the game. The tone is completely out-of-whack and it greatly diminishes the player experience. How are you supposed to be stealthy when your character practically glows?
The cell-shading also turns Rika's vagina into a black bar from essentially every angle except dead on. For an erotic game it's not a good look.
I would go back and replay the 4.2 alpha in order to see just how much better the experience is. This was a step backwards and I hope you reconsider the changes in future versions.
I didn't notice it until you pointed it out, but I definitely see what you mean about the atmosphere and Rika glowing and such now, I completely agree.
So, played the new build. (Alpha 5) And, I don't mean to sound rude, but I have mostly complaints. But to get the good out of the way first...
The orgasm animation is great, that's been desperately needed, so it's great to finally have it. Skirt flashing is also nice, and the arousal overhaul makes sense.
So, onto the complaints.
For starters, the sensitivity of the camera has been wildly increased since the last build, and it's been bugging me the entire time that I've been playing. I know it's a matter of opinion and some people like high sensitivity, but I personally can barely move the camera with the sensitivity this high. Sensitivity options are desperately needed for the next build.
And, about the new visuals. It would be nice to have an option to turn off the outlines for those who want to, but, assuming that they're here to stay with no option to disable them, they definitely need fixed up. They're nice and thick and look good around the majority of her body, however, for some reason on her hands and arms they're nearly non existant, and it clashes and doesn't look good at all. There's also that weird blob of light that floats around Rika's hair which looks REALLY weird and keeps distracting me. I don't really get the point of it's inclusion. If it was to make Rika's hair more visible, I feel like a better approach would've been to just make her hair overall easier to see than put in this random distracting blob of high visibility.
Finally, the arousal overhaul. I know earlier that I said it made sense, and it does, but gameplay wise, it's a nightmare. Even with max excitement and mashing A and D as fast as I can, it still takes way too long to orgasm, and mashing A and D like that for so long actually hurts my wrist. I feel like I'm gonna get carpal tunnel from playing a porn game, lol. Also, orgasming in story mode no longer gives any points, which sort of defeats the whole purpose of it in the first place.
I hope all of this stuff can be fixed in the next build, paid or not. Unfortunately for now though I feel like I might have to stick with Alpha 4 for my own comfort in playing.
I really love this game, the concept is fantastic and the mc looks really hot and the striped panties are a huge turn on for me, Things I would love to see is of course more things to spend points on whether that be outfits or able to change the mc's weight
Dude, you played a DEMO, a proof of concept from an early stage in developement, does "alpha test" and "early access" ring a bell for you? Did you really went in and expect the full 60$ triple AAA full polished release treatment?
I love the concept of a "pure" exhibitionism game without the dumb h-stuff attached to a lot of others. After playing the demo here's some features that would be great: - hopping up/down small ledges - climbing through some obstacles like broad fences as a last escape. can make it risky by having a chance to make the PC stuck for a moment or strip a piece of clothes - different footstep sound for shoes and socks/barefeet (latter should be a lot more quieter). - also make NPC footsteps more audible compared to PC's. Hearing the "enemy's" footstep is crucial in a "stealth game", especially one that doesnt employ a radar. - more NPC variety, females in particular - temporarily lifting/lowering top/bottom aka "flashing" also cant wait for the actual sneaking from the trailer to be implemented
Warning... Wall of Text (guess it shows how much I like this game, though xD)
I've previously made a comment of suggestions and such, and after playing a bit more I've found/come up with a few more things (some of which may be planned for post-alpha):
-The option to climb over low walls/fences/objects.
-Changeable difficulty within apartment (Normal and Hard). Normal is the same as it is, Hard would increase NPC detection range, increase speed of confidence falling, and disable the detection circle. If wearing the Blindfold on Hard, sight is completely darkened so that only Rika can be seen on-screen (opposed to Rika and what I assume is 4 feet around her).
-Buyable clothing at a shop within the neighborhood (like maybe on the other side of the bridge), opposed to being unlocked by default. Starting out, only the Casual outfit and Towel would be available, and the rest are purchased, with Yen being earned as 5% of points earned when going Home (or 10% on Hard to reward the extra challenge).
-NPC Suspicion at close range. When in close proximity to an NPC, if Rika does not have Bra/Panties/Socks on but does have dress or shirt and skirt on, a detection circle pops up and fills very slowly, hinting at their suspicion. This can also apply when exposed and walking behind an NPC.
-NPC Hearing. Simply NPCs being able to hear if Rika is masturbating too fast (since fast masturbation would cause moaning and/or squishy noises), which will cause them to move toward the source. NPCs can hear twice as far away on Hard.
-Vibrators that can be equipped within the wardrobe. Will automatically fill up Rika's lust whether she is naked or not. If she reaches full Lust with the vibrator in, she will automatically kneel down to cum, preventing movement for a time while letting NPCs detect her regardless of current clothing. In Hard difficulty, the vibrator will fill Lust twice as fast. Using NPC Hearing as described above, they could hear it if in close proximity and get suspicious (also as described above).
-Toggleable difficulty modifier (separate from Normal/Hard) to make it so the less Covered Rika is, there's a higher chance per step she'll drop her apartment key (it will start glowing 10 seconds after being dropped). When wearing any amount of clothes that prevent detection circle (or suspicion as described above) she won't drop it, but if she's completely naked it would be a 20% chance to drop per step she takes (as an example). After being dropped and recovered once, it won't drop again for the rest of that session.
-More restricting items (similar to blindfold). One I thought of would be ankle cuffs that take the shoes slot, with them on, Rika cannot move faster than a walk. Another would be Handcuffs (only available when Naked and meant for the Key modifier above) that prevent Rika from climbing things (as described above), prevent her from crawling or covering, and make grabbing the Key slower.
-Walk button. Probably don't need explanation here. Just a button to walk on PC opposed to jogging. Using the modifier of dropping the Key as I described above, Walking could halve the chance of dropping the key.
-More Challenge Ideas:
--With a Vibrator equipped, never allow it to completely fill Lust
--Allow a Vibrator to completely fill Lust while completely naked
--Leave the apartment naked, buy clothes, and return
--Leave the apartment wearing only Handcuffs, streak 100m and return
--Leave the apartment wearing only Ankle Cuffs, streak 100m and return
Wait, so do or do you not want to add sex and penetration?
"Please note that we don't plan to include no sex and penetration in the game." - This means that you do plan to put it in.
"We want the game to be focused on the exhibitionism aspects!" - This indicates that you want to have no sex and penetration
I'm assuming you were deliberating on the phrasing and ended up with an unintentional double negative. I just wanted to make sure because this is very contradictive and confusing.
I've been looking over your posts here recently and you have stated there there will be no character customization - if that's still the case ignore this comment - but if you are open to adding some more minor character customization at some point in the future then I have a few to suggest:
Eye color: Nothing fancy just a choice between 6 to 8 colors. Hair color: Same as eye color - a choice between 6 to 8 colors.
Body tan: A simple yes / no choice - tan would be uniform aside from sensitive skin locations like the genitals, anus, nipples - sensitive areas would retain a flesh pink color (for lack of a better color description).
I suggest the following eye colors: Blue, Green, Brown, Amber, Red, Silver, Black.
I suggest the following hair colors: Brown, Black, Blond, Red, White, Blue, Green
The interface could work like the following:
[Character Customization] > [Eye Color] > [Click a colored box] > [Save and return to main menu]
[Character Customization] > [Hair Color] > [Click a colored box] > [Save and return to main menu]
[Character Customization] > [Skin Tan] > [Click a check box] > [Save and return to main menu]
Nothing to fancy, just some alternate color options for variety which I suspect would be less difficult then character mesh changes like breast size / character height as example ... but I'm not a game developer so that just a guess.
This game make me angry because have a lot of potential: NPC: different npc and different reaction from a npc to another to make you feel more humiliated when someone sow you Pictures: npc should be able to make picture or video of you and make fun of the player (the game said that NPC could take pic but idk why it never happened to me) Poses: more poses and add sex toys to use while you are out naked Evil Npc: there should be evil npc that will try to follow you or scream to call other npc
Literally your game has that much potential that I think that could become the coolest NSFW game of all time. Cool game, excellent work
Game could use a lower-graphics higher-performance optimization option. My graphics card was made in 2011 and I don't currently have funds for an upgrade. Letting the neighbourhood load for a handful of seconds (including the start menu) results in crashes, and if I quickly start a game beforehand, the apartment has noticeable lag. No other thoughts to offer at this point, since playing is not yet an option for me.
I honestly love the game... i love the character design.. an game design.. but it needs more stages more characters an stuff... an yes ik its still in DEV....
This game has a lot of potential. I just hope it's not one of those Patreon projects which get held in development hell forever and then get cancelled as soon as the subscriber numbers dry up.
An interesting game, and probably the first I've played that includes Nudity, but not sex. I'd give it a 7/10, because it isn't perfect, but I'm sure that will change as more updates are released. Following that, some of the tings that bugged me:
-Lack of female NPCs (as if Rika is the only girl in the neighborhood...? Maybe female NPCs just didn't spawn during my time playing, though.)
-Can't but bra/panties on with Shirt/Skirt on (I first noticed this when playing the Get Dressed mode, where I found my skirt, then found my panties, and couldn't put them on because of the skirt. While it does make sense in some ways to block this function - it is actually entirely possible to take bra/panties on/off with a shirt and skirt on. This may also extend to socks/stockings being blocked with shoes (I haven't tested), but that makes sense to block.)
-Using xbox controller sticks when masturbating is slower than a snail stapled to a dead turtle... (Whereas using a mouse is like a rabbit on meth.)
-I'd like to use the Blindfold more, but the annoyance factor of it is too much. I like that it lessens player vision, but it would be nice to keep the detection circle thing. Rika knows when people are looking at her from behind her back, and having a blindfold on would heighten hearing a bit, so I don't see why the detection circle is removed. Maybe make it a toggle-able option in the settings to remove the circle for various circumstances? Detection Circle Normal On/Off, Detection Circle Blind On/Off.
Anyways, that's all I had to say! Keep up the good (*ahem* perverted) work! I look forward to seeing how this game grows.
Sugesstionz: more playable characters possibly a kemono type character or a male character? Possibly add some clothing such as carboard black bars,bubbles, leaves etc, and perhaps add some headwear such as a facemask,kitsune mask or even sunglasses? Another thing that could be added is dialogue for Rika? Also keep it up devs!
Do you plan on adding anymore clothes? If so, here's my personal suggestion: A zip up hoodie that Rika would unzip and open up for the flashing animation, sort of like the towel's current flashing animation, but only for the torso.
This is genuinely one of the best porn games that I've ever played, and it's free! Thanks for the great work devs!
I do plan on adding more clothes in the future. There's a world of possibilities for the different kind of outfits. But I want to first prioritize solidifying the core mechanics before focusing on the content.
I have a controller. it worked normally at first but now the left analog stick controls the camera and movement. That's not really the games problem. but if theres anyway to fix it'd be good to know.
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I love the new update Alpha 5 and contributed to the cause -- I don't see the issues that others have been mentioning, like I don't see that the new cel-shading outline being too strong (maybe I play at high enough of a resolution that it isn't a factor), or camera being too sensitive. All have been great.
Some things I think would be great for the next/future updates:
1. Crouching Mechanic: Would be great to crouch to stay a bit more hidden in places, and even crawl. Seems like a thing that would be very typical of the scenario (don't ask me how I know...). Would make a great visual, seeing Rika bent over so you can more clearly see her pussy and asshole. Also --
2. Masturbation in different poses: When crouched, masturbation would be more of an 'M-pose' shot of Rika playing with herself. When crawling, would be more of a bent over masturbation pose. All would be great visuals.
2b. Masturbation with more than rubbing: Maybe more fingering inside (I know you've said no penetration...)
3. Squirt/Pee: Through another bar that fills up over time, how about some squirting during orgasm and also the mechanic to pee when she wants to (also leaving her vulnerable while peeing which could raise the excitement meter). Same mechanics as before, peeing standing up, crouching in M pose, or bent over.
I've been waiting for the next build (5.0) for a while now and I'm not too pleased with the changes.
First off, the hitbox is different in this release, which makes it impossible to use routes available in previous releases. I find this particularly egregious, as now two feet of empty space with a 2 inch drainpipe next to it is impassable. If it looks like you can walk through, you should be able to walk through it, especially in a stealth game where running away matters.
The way more important issue is the games tone and atmosphere. Before, the game had a spooky and creepy tone. This meshed perfectly with the concept of exhibitionism - reinforcing to the player a sense of "hey, don't get caught" and "what you're doing is wrong."
This update threw that out, and it's not at all for the better. The levels are so bright that you wouldn't think it's nighttime. Rika's new cell shading makes the game feel arcade-y. By removing the more realistic elements of the visuals, the player is further detached from the game. The tone is completely out-of-whack and it greatly diminishes the player experience. How are you supposed to be stealthy when your character practically glows?
The cell-shading also turns Rika's vagina into a black bar from essentially every angle except dead on. For an erotic game it's not a good look.
I would go back and replay the 4.2 alpha in order to see just how much better the experience is. This was a step backwards and I hope you reconsider the changes in future versions.
I didn't notice it until you pointed it out, but I definitely see what you mean about the atmosphere and Rika glowing and such now, I completely agree.
So, played the new build. (Alpha 5) And, I don't mean to sound rude, but I have mostly complaints. But to get the good out of the way first...
The orgasm animation is great, that's been desperately needed, so it's great to finally have it. Skirt flashing is also nice, and the arousal overhaul makes sense.
So, onto the complaints.
For starters, the sensitivity of the camera has been wildly increased since the last build, and it's been bugging me the entire time that I've been playing. I know it's a matter of opinion and some people like high sensitivity, but I personally can barely move the camera with the sensitivity this high. Sensitivity options are desperately needed for the next build.
And, about the new visuals. It would be nice to have an option to turn off the outlines for those who want to, but, assuming that they're here to stay with no option to disable them, they definitely need fixed up. They're nice and thick and look good around the majority of her body, however, for some reason on her hands and arms they're nearly non existant, and it clashes and doesn't look good at all. There's also that weird blob of light that floats around Rika's hair which looks REALLY weird and keeps distracting me. I don't really get the point of it's inclusion. If it was to make Rika's hair more visible, I feel like a better approach would've been to just make her hair overall easier to see than put in this random distracting blob of high visibility.
Finally, the arousal overhaul. I know earlier that I said it made sense, and it does, but gameplay wise, it's a nightmare. Even with max excitement and mashing A and D as fast as I can, it still takes way too long to orgasm, and mashing A and D like that for so long actually hurts my wrist. I feel like I'm gonna get carpal tunnel from playing a porn game, lol. Also, orgasming in story mode no longer gives any points, which sort of defeats the whole purpose of it in the first place.
I hope all of this stuff can be fixed in the next build, paid or not. Unfortunately for now though I feel like I might have to stick with Alpha 4 for my own comfort in playing.
I really love this game, the concept is fantastic and the mc looks really hot and the striped panties are a huge turn on for me, Things I would love to see is of course more things to spend points on whether that be outfits or able to change the mc's weight
I don't know why but I can't get her to orgasm, I don't know what I'm doing wrong
Imagine how she feels!
What's new on this update?
Please bring this to android <3
this game is cool and all but i hate how there's only easy on the scenario gamemode
Great game, but i'm having issures with my vram, i have 128mb it would be nice to be able to reduce the graphics more
An exhibitionism game as a stealth game with something like a sanity gauge. Fucking love the idea !
You should have the ability to customize stuff like height and weight, skin color, and be able to change genders or have futanari's.
Dude, you played a DEMO, a proof of concept from an early stage in developement, does "alpha test" and "early access" ring a bell for you?
Did you really went in and expect the full 60$ triple AAA full polished release treatment?
I love the concept of a "pure" exhibitionism game without the dumb h-stuff attached to a lot of others.
After playing the demo here's some features that would be great:
- hopping up/down small ledges
- climbing through some obstacles like broad fences as a last escape. can make it risky by having a chance to make the PC stuck for a moment or strip a piece of clothes
- different footstep sound for shoes and socks/barefeet (latter should be a lot more quieter).
- also make NPC footsteps more audible compared to PC's. Hearing the "enemy's" footstep is crucial in a "stealth game", especially one that doesnt employ a radar.
- more NPC variety, females in particular
- temporarily lifting/lowering top/bottom aka "flashing"
also cant wait for the actual sneaking from the trailer to be implemented
Waiting for updates! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
Warning... Wall of Text (guess it shows how much I like this game, though xD)
I've previously made a comment of suggestions and such, and after playing a bit more I've found/come up with a few more things (some of which may be planned for post-alpha):
-The option to climb over low walls/fences/objects.
-Changeable difficulty within apartment (Normal and Hard). Normal is the same as it is, Hard would increase NPC detection range, increase speed of confidence falling, and disable the detection circle. If wearing the Blindfold on Hard, sight is completely darkened so that only Rika can be seen on-screen (opposed to Rika and what I assume is 4 feet around her).
-Buyable clothing at a shop within the neighborhood (like maybe on the other side of the bridge), opposed to being unlocked by default. Starting out, only the Casual outfit and Towel would be available, and the rest are purchased, with Yen being earned as 5% of points earned when going Home (or 10% on Hard to reward the extra challenge).
-NPC Suspicion at close range. When in close proximity to an NPC, if Rika does not have Bra/Panties/Socks on but does have dress or shirt and skirt on, a detection circle pops up and fills very slowly, hinting at their suspicion. This can also apply when exposed and walking behind an NPC.
-NPC Hearing. Simply NPCs being able to hear if Rika is masturbating too fast (since fast masturbation would cause moaning and/or squishy noises), which will cause them to move toward the source. NPCs can hear twice as far away on Hard.
-Vibrators that can be equipped within the wardrobe. Will automatically fill up Rika's lust whether she is naked or not. If she reaches full Lust with the vibrator in, she will automatically kneel down to cum, preventing movement for a time while letting NPCs detect her regardless of current clothing. In Hard difficulty, the vibrator will fill Lust twice as fast. Using NPC Hearing as described above, they could hear it if in close proximity and get suspicious (also as described above).
-Toggleable difficulty modifier (separate from Normal/Hard) to make it so the less Covered Rika is, there's a higher chance per step she'll drop her apartment key (it will start glowing 10 seconds after being dropped). When wearing any amount of clothes that prevent detection circle (or suspicion as described above) she won't drop it, but if she's completely naked it would be a 20% chance to drop per step she takes (as an example). After being dropped and recovered once, it won't drop again for the rest of that session.
-More restricting items (similar to blindfold). One I thought of would be ankle cuffs that take the shoes slot, with them on, Rika cannot move faster than a walk. Another would be Handcuffs (only available when Naked and meant for the Key modifier above) that prevent Rika from climbing things (as described above), prevent her from crawling or covering, and make grabbing the Key slower.
-Walk button. Probably don't need explanation here. Just a button to walk on PC opposed to jogging. Using the modifier of dropping the Key as I described above, Walking could halve the chance of dropping the key.
-More Challenge Ideas:
--With a Vibrator equipped, never allow it to completely fill Lust
--Allow a Vibrator to completely fill Lust while completely naked
--Leave the apartment naked, buy clothes, and return
--Leave the apartment wearing only Handcuffs, streak 100m and return
--Leave the apartment wearing only Ankle Cuffs, streak 100m and return
Wait, so do or do you not want to add sex and penetration?
"Please note that we don't plan to include
no sex and penetration in the game."- This means that you do plan to put it in.
"We want the game to be focused on the exhibitionism aspects!"
- This indicates that you want to have no sex and penetration
I'm assuming you were deliberating on the phrasing and ended up with an unintentional double negative. I just wanted to make sure because this is very contradictive and confusing.
It's mean to be: "Please note that we do not plan to include sex and penetration in the game." It has been fixed. Sorry for the typo.
Np, Thank you for clarifying.
I like the game so far but uh do you plan on adding different ways to flash like pulling up the skirt or sundress?
do you plan to port this on android?
Nice game! Gameplay is kinda fluid, and has nice mechanics ^^ Following to see the final result ^^
Thank you!
This is one of the sexier games here, I'm glad it's being worked on. The new library listing image is very nice too
Thank you!
Can someone recommended me game like Roshutsu???
Will it come to Android?
owhh assassins creed 18+ edition
Well, Assassins Creed is rated M so it's already +18 v:
Yeah that brother straving
Hold Q
I've been looking over your posts here recently and you have stated there there will be no character customization - if that's still the case ignore this comment - but if you are open to adding some more minor character customization at some point in the future then I have a few to suggest:
Eye color: Nothing fancy just a choice between 6 to 8 colors.
Hair color: Same as eye color - a choice between 6 to 8 colors.
Body tan: A simple yes / no choice - tan would be uniform aside from sensitive skin locations like the genitals, anus, nipples - sensitive areas would retain a flesh pink color (for lack of a better color description).
I suggest the following eye colors: Blue, Green, Brown, Amber, Red, Silver, Black.
I suggest the following hair colors: Brown, Black, Blond, Red, White, Blue, Green
The interface could work like the following:
[Character Customization] > [Eye Color] > [Click a colored box] > [Save and return to main menu]
[Character Customization] > [Hair Color] > [Click a colored box] > [Save and return to main menu]
[Character Customization] > [Skin Tan] > [Click a check box] > [Save and return to main menu]
Nothing to fancy, just some alternate color options for variety which I suspect would be less difficult then character mesh changes like breast size / character height as example ... but I'm not a game developer so that just a guess.
Unity actually makes it pretty easy to replace a humanoid character with a different one (provided it has a properly set up Avatar).
So perhaps add a way to mod the game by importing a different character in form of an asset pack?
i dont know why my game hasMosaic
You can switch it off in the game settings.
birthday dress is the best dress i ever seen
This game make me angry because have a lot of potential:
NPC: different npc and different reaction from a npc to another to make you feel more humiliated when someone sow you
Pictures: npc should be able to make picture or video of you and make fun of the player (the game said that NPC could take pic but idk why it never happened to me)
Poses: more poses and add sex toys to use while you are out naked
Evil Npc: there should be evil npc that will try to follow you or scream to call other npc
Literally your game has that much potential that I think that could become the coolest NSFW game of all time. Cool game, excellent work
Game could use a lower-graphics higher-performance optimization option. My graphics card was made in 2011 and I don't currently have funds for an upgrade. Letting the neighbourhood load for a handful of seconds (including the start menu) results in crashes, and if I quickly start a game beforehand, the apartment has noticeable lag. No other thoughts to offer at this point, since playing is not yet an option for me.
Pretty neat. Would love to see more animations for dressing/undressing.
I honestly love the game... i love the character design.. an game design.. but it needs more stages more characters an stuff... an yes ik its still in DEV....
This game has a lot of potential. I just hope it's not one of those Patreon projects which get held in development hell forever and then get cancelled as soon as the subscriber numbers dry up.
yeah i hope this game actually gets completed..... an maybe they make more games aswell!...
An interesting game, and probably the first I've played that includes Nudity, but not sex. I'd give it a 7/10, because it isn't perfect, but I'm sure that will change as more updates are released. Following that, some of the tings that bugged me:
-Lack of female NPCs (as if Rika is the only girl in the neighborhood...? Maybe female NPCs just didn't spawn during my time playing, though.)
-Can't but bra/panties on with Shirt/Skirt on (I first noticed this when playing the Get Dressed mode, where I found my skirt, then found my panties, and couldn't put them on because of the skirt. While it does make sense in some ways to block this function - it is actually entirely possible to take bra/panties on/off with a shirt and skirt on. This may also extend to socks/stockings being blocked with shoes (I haven't tested), but that makes sense to block.)
-Using xbox controller sticks when masturbating is slower than a snail stapled to a dead turtle... (Whereas using a mouse is like a rabbit on meth.)
-I'd like to use the Blindfold more, but the annoyance factor of it is too much. I like that it lessens player vision, but it would be nice to keep the detection circle thing. Rika knows when people are looking at her from behind her back, and having a blindfold on would heighten hearing a bit, so I don't see why the detection circle is removed. Maybe make it a toggle-able option in the settings to remove the circle for various circumstances? Detection Circle Normal On/Off, Detection Circle Blind On/Off.
Anyways, that's all I had to say! Keep up the good (*ahem* perverted) work! I look forward to seeing how this game grows.
breh stfu.
To add: women can take mos bras off while shirts or dresses are on.
when it comes to steam? i cant wait to get it
Sugesstionz: more playable characters possibly a kemono type character or a male character? Possibly add some clothing such as carboard black bars,bubbles, leaves etc, and perhaps add some headwear such as a facemask,kitsune mask or even sunglasses? Another thing that could be added is dialogue for Rika? Also keep it up devs!
yeah i hope they keep updating the game!
are there any plans to add skinny dipping to the game in the future? i think it'd fit really well with the exhibitionism
Do you plan on adding anymore clothes? If so, here's my personal suggestion: A zip up hoodie that Rika would unzip and open up for the flashing animation, sort of like the towel's current flashing animation, but only for the torso.
This is genuinely one of the best porn games that I've ever played, and it's free! Thanks for the great work devs!
I do plan on adding more clothes in the future. There's a world of possibilities for the different kind of outfits. But I want to first prioritize solidifying the core mechanics before focusing on the content.
Okay, good to know, and yeah, I definitely agree there, the core mechanics are much more important than cosmetics. Take your time.
when? Den?
I have a controller. it worked normally at first but now the left analog stick controls the camera and movement. That's not really the games problem. but if theres anyway to fix it'd be good to know.
interesting game