Alpha 4.2 — Birthday Dress

Rika got a beautiful new dress for her birthday that she's been excited to wear! Just be careful not to lose it, as it can be quite hard to find.


  • Added Birthday Dress.
  • Fixed bug where detection indicator breaks when entering blindfolded.

Files 340 MB
Version 5 Apr 01, 2021

Get Roshutsu | 露出


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nice it does nothing

It's April 2nd and haven't downloaded it yet but I already know I was meant to do this yesterday to get the full experience, lol!


doesn't work for me. I've downloaded the latest version and the dress icon in the closet is blank, as well as the blindfold. The blindfold actually shows up on the character once I select it but the birthday dress does not. If this is a april fools joke its not funny baka 


Do you not know what a birthday suit is? And, yes, it does do something. I've noticed when wearing it, NPCs do not notice that you're actually naked


It's not a "birthday suit" it's labeled as a "birthday dress". I know what a birthday suit is. I honestly couldn't figure out if this was a april fools joke or a fake update or what. I wasn't the only one who thought that either.


T h a t ' s t h e  j o k e .
