Alpha 6 — Input Rebinding

This update primarily adjusts the settings screen to be more feature complete than it was before. The star feature is input rebinding, which allows you to change input to things that can be more convenient for you. It also introduces sensitivity sliders and settings to invert camera control to whatever feels most comfortable for you.

I was hoping to have gotten to improving the scenario creator, however this feature alone ended up taking me far longer than I thought. I am trying to return to form to monthly release and hope the next update provides more substantial gameplay improvements than this. The settings screen is a crucial component of a video game, however it's not a very glamorous one.

Please do consider becoming a supporter on Patreon and joining our Discord server if you haven't already. Thank you again for your support! I hope to have something even better soon!

Files 340 MB
Version 8 Aug 22, 2021

Get Roshutsu | 露出


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I'm impatient to see how this project progresses, it's the only game that gives me what I'm looking for


are you gonna add sex scenes or like certain people with personalitys that enjoy the exposure?

Deleted 95 days ago
(1 edit) (+2)

Dude that's an awesome idea


I really enjoy the simplicity of it - how you basically load up the game and can instantly start playing, and I really like the atmosphere - very quiet and peaceful with just environmental sounds.

My only issue is that I'm not exactly sure what exactly I'm supposed to do in-game and have been having to look through your previous posts to understand the mechanics. I think having a simple wall of text explaining mechanics (unless it's part of the game to 'find' them) until a proper tutorial (floating text hints pointing at ui elements when you first start) would be very helpful.

Also just a minor bug I noticed is that pressing the escape key in the settings menu unpauses the game while leaving the menus still up.

Sorry for the negatives but I think you have an excellent framework right here, wish you the best of luck, can't wait to see how great this becomes.

(1 edit) (+1)

There are problems with the controls and with the options menu, when I have to press a key to start playing the game it does not respond and when opening the options menu it is impossible to exit, because none of the buttons below work.
in free mode if I can play, but the camera stays in the same place on the title screen

(2 edits) (+2)

I am aware of this issue and working on a fix.

A hotfix has been pushed which should address the issue.

when I set the game into windowed, and I try to move it, the window goes straight to the bottom of the screen. it's hard to get it out. it might be a bug.